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HEALTH & SAFETY Policy for Super MAGFest 2024

THE SHORT VERSION: Super MAGFest 2024 will not require masking or proof of vaccination to attend.

As of August 10, 2023, Super MAGFest 2024 will not require masking or proof of vaccination in order to attend the event. We will continue to provide masks, hand sanitizer, reminder signage, and other supplies in order to facilitate a safer environment at-event. We will also continue to highly encourage the use of masking, including clarifying our anti-harassment policy to underscore that we will not tolerate harassment based on a person’s choice to wear a mask.

If you are alerted of exposure to a confirmed case in the 10 days preceding the event, we ask that you try to obtain a negative PCR test result before your arrival, and be particularly attentive to masking when at the event. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 or if you receive a positive test result in the 10 days preceding the event, we ask that you please stay home unless you are able to obtain a negative PCR test result before your arrival. Please view the CDC guidance on isolation timelines for exposed people for more information.

If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 or if you receive a positive test result during the event itself, please immediately self-isolate, notify any roommates or close contacts, and wear a mask in shared spaces until you are able to safely make your way home. Please do not attend MAGFest programming if you are sick. Please consult a healthcare professional for further guidance. We will have masks available throughout the festival, including at Registration, Festival Security, Public Safety, and the Info Desk. We will also have rapid tests available as needed at Public Safety.

The health & safety of our community remains a top priority for Super MAGFest and MAGFest, Inc. We will continue to monitor the advice of local government agencies and the CDC as the event gets closer. Please note that we may update or change these policies at any time to maximize the safety of our attendees. We commit to announcing any updates across multiple mediums and as soon as possible so that people can make informed decisions about their attendance.


A note regarding the 2024 Policy

After a lot of deliberation and feedback, MAGFest will lift prior COVID restrictions for Super 2024. In other words, neither vaccines or masks will be required to attend or staff the event. While this decision was supported by the outcomes of recent surveys of both our attendees and staff, it was nevertheless a difficult decision for us to make. Ultimately, it came down to a strong desire to implement only policies that we felt confident we could enforce. We have seen a few other large events be unable to follow through on their stated policies, and we very much did not want to mislead anyone or make false promises in this regard.

We support and encourage people in doing what is best for their health and comfort; we recognize that for some, this may mean not attending. We will continue to promote and develop magTV and other streaming programming in order to make the event more accessible for people who are unable to participate in-person. Any further questions should be directed to contact@magfest.org


Increased Sanitation

Although it is each person’s individual responsibility to maintain their own hygiene, we will continue to offer increased sanitation based on CDC, government, and industry best practices throughout the event space, especially in high-touch areas such as the consoles and arcade halls. We highly recommend that attendees bring their own hand sanitizer and masks, but we will also have spare supplies available in limited quantities as needed.

Many event spaces will have modified hours and/or more time between scheduled events in order to allow spaces to be aired out and sanitized where appropriate.

Please be aware that specific event spaces may request or require additional sanitation precautions from you as a condition of your participation--for instance, you may be asked to clean off a machine after using it. We will also have sanitation supplies available if and where this is the case!

Social Distancing

We do not plan to reduce our attendance capacity at Super MAGFest 2024 unless the venue itself or local, state, or federal mandates require a reduction. This means that true social distancing will not be possible in many areas, especially hallways and elevators. Please plan your attendance according to your own comfort level and your own personal health & safety needs. Some event spaces will have modified layouts to allow for greater distance between attendees where possible. We will also have additional traffic flow controls, directional signage, and line management procedures in order to mitigate crowding and blockages. Please assist us in our efforts by being mindful of not congregating in hallways and by cooperating promptly with MAGFest staff if you are asked to move along.

COVID Refund Policy

If you are alerted of exposure to a confirmed case in the 10 days preceding the event, we ask that you try to obtain a negative PCR test result before your arrival, and be particularly attentive to masking when at the event. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 or if you receive a positive test result in the 10 days preceding the event, we ask that you please stay home unless you are able to obtain a negative PCR test result before your arrival. Please view the CDC guidance on isolation timelines for exposed people for more information.

In all cases where exposure or illness is suspected, we recommend getting a PCR test no more than 72 hours before your arrival in addition to self-testing each day of the event so that further spread can be mitigated. We’re not able to police this, obviously, so we really need your help in keeping the community safe!

We typically do not offer refunds on badges, but we may be able to make exceptions in extenuating circumstances such as these. If you would like to request a refund for reasons related to COVID-19, please contact regsupport@magfest.org no later than January 21, 2024 (the last day of the event). Please note that beginning December 1, we cannot refund pre-ordered merch packages, even if your badge refund request is approved. In this event, you will be contacted after the event to collect shipping information & payment, and your pre-ordered merch package will be mailed to you by our merch vendor.

Additionally, we will have virtual content to accommodate folks who cannot attend in person for any reason--keep an eye on our social media accounts for more updates as the fall progresses!


  • August 10, 2023

    • Updated Health Safety policy for Super MAGFest 2024